Innovation of the Online Foreign Language Learning: A Community of Inquiry (CoI)-based Virtual Reality Classroom
virtual reality, foreign language, Community of Inquiry (CoI)Abstract
A prevalent concern in the field of online foreign language learning pertains to the comparatively low level of online interactions. Most of the online learning platforms result in scarcity of community because student-student engagement is not as significant as those in traditional classrooms. Virtual reality has recently become an appealing online learning platform that could enhance students’ online learning experience. Meanwhile, community of inquiry (CoI) model is found to suitably correspond to the virtual reality context by facilitating social, cognitive, and teaching presence within students’ online interactions. As an innovative initiative, this paper suggests a community of inquiry (CoI)-based virtual reality classroom to perform online learning for foreign language acquisition. In this regard, first, this paper discusses the application of virtual reality classroom as a platform for online foreign language learning. Then, this paper integrates the CoI model into the context, discusses the strategies for implementing the CoI model in virtual reality classroom, and analyze its potential impact on students’ online foreign language learning experiences.
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